Nature's Pharmacy Has Provided Everything We Need to Live a Long Healthy Life. Discover The Amazing Benefits that Fresh Fruits and Vegetables can Provide.

So with all this talk about juices and smoothies floating around lately, is this just another hype, or can this practice be exactly what you were missing to take your overall health and wellbeing to the next level? 

Though the health and wellness industry can be very shabby with a new diet trend popping up every time you turn around. I can assure you that juicing and making smoothies isn’t just some new fad or trend to follow,  this practice has been around for centuries. 

Here is a snippet of a couple of chapters from my book, that will explain to you with much more clarity what the practice of juicing is, and what it isn’t.                                      ODER NOW

Understanding Juicing

The practice of juice extraction for nutrition and health dates back as far as 150 B.C. to 70 A.D as stated in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Jewish Essene tribe was some of the earliest recorded practitioners of juicing; they pounded pomegranates and figs until the juice was extracted.

Fast forward to the 1930s – the first triturating juicer (The Norwalk Juicer) and the first-ever book written on juicing was launched by doctor Norman Walker. Next came the Champion, and the Green Power Juicer, all of which are still available for purchase today. 

Ever since introducing those early juicers, juice machine manufacturers have been continuously working on improving the efficiency and affordability of juicers.

As a result, there are many affordable, high-quality machines available on the market today. Raw juice is filled with health-boosting compounds in the form of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that facilitate cellular regeneration, improve blood flow, and boost your immune system. However, while juicing is a healthy practice, doing it right is important if it is to benefit you.

For example, never depend on juicing alone to lose weight, but see it as part of a collective effort. Juicing works best when combined with an active lifestyle, and a diet of nutritious whole foods, not from starving yourself on a juice diet. So having a basic understanding of juicing will better serve you in accomplishing your weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals.

The Importance and Benefits of Juicing.

The standard American diet is described as, “A dietary pattern that is generally characterized by high intakes of red meat, processed meat, pre-packaged foods, butter, fried foods, high-fat dairy products, eggs, refined grains, potatoes, corn, and high-sugar drinks.”

In my estimation, around 75% of the foods found on supermarket shelves today, are highly processed. The vast majority of American adults are overweight, and as stated in (Science Daily)

The prevalence of metabolic health in American adults is ‘alarmingly low,’ even among people who are normal weight, according to a new study. Only one in eight Americans are achieving optimal metabolic healthaccording to 

It doesn’t matter how much you exercise or believe in fitness, if your diet isn’t right you are missing out on all of the benefits of an active healthy lifestyle. There is however a bright side; in recent years we have been seeing an ever more health-conscious public.

I think people are finally catching on to the misleading tactics of big food and beverage companies. I did a post a few months back on my blog titled;
“What the industry knew about sugar’s health effects but didn’t tell us.” 

The article discusses the methods manufacturers use to keep people addicted to their food-like substances. Fortunately, there is a growing number of health food articles available on the internet today. With all this valuable information at our fingertips, we can stop allowing food companies and advertisers to think for us.

The Value of Raw Foods

Whenever someone gets sick and visits their doctor, ordinarily the first instruction given is to increase the intake of water, fresh fruits, and vegetables as part of the recovery process.

So it should come as no surprise that juicing is an effective approach for healing and revitalizing the body. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables through juicing, allows the minerals and nutrients to flow into the cells of the body much quicker because it requires no digestion.                    click new

The cleansing capacity of organs such as the lungs, kidneys, liver and skin, increases, resulting in the elimination of metabolic waste, and toxins from the body. Most health conditions occur because of two reasons; inflammation, or high acidity in the body.

Because raw juice is high in minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and a wealth of additional vitamins and minerals, juicing can help to reduce and eliminate inflammation and normalize acid-alkaline balance in the body.

These minerals also help in restoring biochemical mineral balance in the cells and tissues of the body, to promote healing, and prevent premature aging.

Restoring and revitalizing the body is a process that takes commitment, especially if you have not been consuming raw juice preventatively to stay healthy. It is important to understand that after years of eating the Standard-American-Diet,” toxins, excess body fat and other conditions, have had years to accumulate.

So you should not expect that reversing the ill-effects of a lifetime of processed foods, oxidative stress, pollution, and pesticides, would be an overnight process. It will take weeks to months of nourishing your body with consistency to reverse these ills. 

I am not saying that upon starting a juicing program, you will not experience an immediate change in your body. Introducing minerals and nutrients into the body through juicing will create measurable results right away.

You will feel invigorated and more energized as the nutrients work through your system. But you must exercise patience and consistency to experience any dramatic changes. Here is a list of conditions raw juice is used to remedy. Raw juice therapy can treat and even reverse these and other conditions    CLICK NOW