I Had Reversed My Diabetes Type 2

I gave it 2 more weeks then went back to see Doctor Richardson for my tests.
He seemed to be preparing to schedule my amputation and getting ready to give me the bad news.
But his expression turned to confusion, then outright astonishment as he looked at my results, then at me then back to my results again.
These numbers are off the charts, he said. Not once has anyone come in here after a few weeks with such a huge improvement.
Congratulations. You now have the fitness levels of a healthy 40-year-old. And we can forget about the amputation surgery.
We’ll monitor you but for now you won’t be needing the medication anymore.
I nodded my head in agreement without telling him I’d thrown my meds in the trash 2 weeks earlier.
I walked out of there a free man. With the biggest grin ever on my face.
Could you imagine your doctor tells you you’re free of diabetes? How wonderful would you feel?
Linda and I hugged each other and cried with happiness.
Suddenly, my whole life had been transformed.
I would never have to take meds or prick my finger.
I would never be a burden to my family and friends or have nightmares about diabetic comas or limb amputations again.
I could have a dream retirement with the energy to play with my wonderful grandchildren.
I could go out to restaurants and not have to worry about how tired I would get, or what food I could eat.
I Was Finally Free From Diabetes Type 2
The first thing I did after hearing the news was go see my grandson Lucas.
He looked worried as I kneeled down to speak to him. As if he remembered when the doctor was discussing my leg amputation.
Grandpa is better now. I told him, smiling. We can go play together as much as you want.
Seeing the biggest, happiest smile break out on his face was the best moment of my entire life. He jumped up and hugged me, giggling with joy.
I love you Grandpa. He said. I felt like a million dollars at that moment.
And I’m embarrassed to admit, I burst into tears.
The emotions were too much.
The little guy was too young to understand that it was all thanks to him.
3 months later I had a checkup and I was as healthy as I’d been since my twenties.
I’d lost a total of 42 pounds. I was overflowing with energy.
My health markers were all in the optimal range. I felt great.
A few weeks later we attended Julian and Noriko’s wedding. I felt as proud as any father could feel that day.
At the reception as we ate wedding cake I talked with my wife about our exciting plans now I’d reversed my diabetes.
Do you know what our wonderful grandson just said to me? I said.

“He told me I had to help all the other diabetics get better.”

“What a golden heart that boy has.”

Linda’s eyes welled up with tears.
You know, he’s right…she finally replied. We have to spread the word and help others.
Linda’s diabetic friend Donna was the first to give my treatment a try.
She was reluctant at first because she used to be a nurse and for her, the doctor’s advice was the only way to go.
But when we showed her my own blood sugar improvement over 3 weeks, then at 5 weeks, she decided she should try it out.
At the 7-day mark, she’d lowered her blood sugar from 181 to 143.
It’s most likely a temporary fix, she said.
But 3 weeks after that she was down to 119.

Not Only That But She’d Shed 20 Pounds In Those 4 Weeks, Lowered Her Blood Pressure And Even Got Her LDL Cholesterol Down.

She was able to throw her meds and testing kits away for good.
Then I got my old mentor and cop partner Roy to give it a go.
He was 71 and retired. And like a lot of guys his age, he’d developed diabetes type 2.
And Roy wasn’t overweight or anything. He was in shape for his age. Like I said, skinny people can have diabetes too.
He tried the program out for 2 weeks before texting me his results.
Hey George. Blood sugar’s down to 120 already.
And I don’t know what it is but I have this new surge of energy since I started.
The results were so impressive that we decided to find people through Facebook who suffered from Type 2 Diabetes.
We set up this website to share our secret so others can get these same results and throw away their medication…
We found groups where there were thousands of people who were tired of being stuck on diabetes med that did nothing for them.
We shared our discovery with anyone who was interested.
To tell you the truth I didn’t expect it to work as well as it did, but…