Once The Most Jealously-Guarded,
Closely-Kept Secret Of An Elite Few.Now You Can Learn China’s 1500 Year Old.Stay Young, Health And Energy Secret
In The Privacy Of Your Own Home without having to travel 1000’s of miles or spend 1000’s of dollars.
Let me share China’s 1500 year old stay young secret with you.
Dear Friend,I can give you a happier, healthier and longer life if you can give me just 15 minutes a day. Please read the rest of this letter for the full story.
This closely-kept, jealously-guarded secret is Shaolin Qigong. Shaolin Qigong is much easier to learn than Tai Chi, is far less strenuous than Yoga, offers all the benefits of Meditation and in my opinion, achieves better happiness, health and longevity results than all 3.
Qigong requires virtually zero athleticism, can be practiced almost anywhere and does not require any expensive supplements, pills or exercise gizmos.

Qigong has been proven to:
Stabilise blood pressure
Decrease stroke and mortality rates
Improve cancer and drug treatment
Improve the symptoms of senility
Improves memory, insomnia, vertigo, headaches and cholesterol
Relieves stress and increases relaxation almost like a mild tranquilizer
What Exactly is Shaolin Qigong And How Can It Help You?
Shaolin Qigong is the best kept stay young, stay healthy, stay happy, energy secret in the world today. It only takes 10–15 minutes to practice and is the art of deliberately managing your ‘vital’ energy to help you live a happier, healthier and longer life. Vital energy (Qi or Chi) is the life force that keeps us all alive.
Shaolin Qigong practitioners are literally adding years to their lives and life to their years through the simple, direct and efficient art of Qigong.
My name is Marcus Santer, I’m the author of four books on Qigong:
Shaolin Chi Kung — 18 Exercises to help you live a longer, healthier and happier life
Smilng From The Heart — Qigong techniques to overcome depression, be free from paralysing worry, kick fear into touch, develop bullet proof self esteem and increase your resistance to the stresses and strains of 21st Century life
Qigong Daily — 365 big ideas to transform your Qigong and your life
The PERFECT Qigong System — 7 simple steps to a healthier life
I’m the founder and Chief Instructor at Qigong15, I was the Chief Instructor (for the UK) of an international Qigong and Shaolin Kung Fu institute for 5 years, and have been practicing Qigong for 26 years.
I have invested well over £18,000 ($28,000) and 12 years of my life in mastering Shaolin Qigong — I’ve made all the mistakes, entered all the blind allies and navigated around all the strange characters and charlatan…so you don’t have to! I don’t share this to impress you. I share it so you’ll trust me that when it comes to getting rid of depression, improving health, increasing energy and feeling fully alive — using Shaolin Qigong — I know what I’m talking about.
Ideally, you’d learn Shaolin Qigong directly from me or another suitably qualified qigong instructor — but the truth is: it’s hard to find good Qigong instruction and few people are able to travel around the world once or twice a year, like I did, to learn from a great teacher.
That’s why I’ve created the Qigong Secrets Home Study Course.
With it you will discover how to:
Naturally feel more energised, fresh and alert — without drinking vast quantities of coffee or caffeine-laden fizzy drinks (and avoid that horrible ‘slump’ when the effects wear off).
Improve, maintain and develop your health — without having to sweat in the gym three or four times a week. You’ll avoid those expensive monthly gym fees, Ouch! And let’s be honest, how often do you fancy travelling to the gym after a hard day’s work? There is a better way.
Feel more confident — without reading a mountain of self-improvement books. Just imagine the wonderful changes you can make when you stop holding yourself back.
Get more done each day towards building the life of your dreams — without sacrificing time with friends, family and loved ones?
Wake up your body’s NATURAL healing power — without having to learn for decades from some ‘Guru’ or ‘Master’.
Each week over the Internet you will receive clear video tuition and written instructions that build systematically on the week before. This course has been structured in such a way that it is easy to follow and does not require any ‘quantum leaps’ in your understanding.
It is suitable for the complete beginner who is brand new to Shaolin Qigong and for those who’ve been practicing Qigong for a few years, but who want to deepen their understanding.
Over 22 Weeks you will receive via the Internet:
The Qigong Secrets Home Study Course is not available at Amazon, eBay, or anywhere else. You can only get it here.
214 pages of written instructions — written in bite-sized chunks for easy digestion. These are the clearest, easiest-to-follow instructions I’ve ever written.
Over 8 hours of video tuition– If a picture paints a 1000 words, imagine how many words 8 hours of video at 25 frames (pictures) per second paints.
5 powerful bonuses — The Qigong I teach is all about getting results. 2 of these bonuses are essential tools for your success, but very few teachers know about them and even fewer students use them. Yet these tools — literally — can mean the difference between your success and failure with Qigong.
I’ve an Mp3 recording that will help you to really master one of the 3 core (read vital) skills of Qigong. Without these skills you’re just doing gentle exercise.
I’ll show you the 6 essential qualities you must look for in a great Qigong teacher and share 22 pages of Qigong research that prove the effectiveness of Qigong.
NEW! Each week’s video tuition is now split up into small bite-sized chunks instead of one huge video. And each bite-sized video is now downloadable — allowing you to take the lessons with you, where ever you go.
Complete the Qigong Secrets Home Study Course and you will discover:
19 of the best Qigong exercises that can help you live a happier, healthier and longer life in just 10–15 minutes a day.
A powerful habit — this is one of the most powerful tools in Qigong but hardly anybody knows about it (Week 02).
The ONLY illness there is and how practicing the Shaolin Qigong exercises I share can help you to overcome it and protect you from experiencing it ever again (Week 03).
The PERFECT path to Qigong is a tool I use with my students to help them get better Qigong benefits, faster and easier (Week 04).
The 4 stages of Mastery (Week 04), The 3 Requirements for success in any endeavour (Week 16), The Antidote to Worry (Week 20)…
Each week I’ll show you a new Qigong exercise and explain the main benefits you’ll gain from it. I’ll teach you the form first, then I’ll show you how to add the breathing and I’ll show you how to practice it as Qigong, not just as gentle exercise. Using video tuition and clear written instructions, I make it as easy for you as possible.
…And far too many tips, skills and techniques to mention here in this short letter.
I have developed the 22 weeks worth of material so that you build your understanding of Shaolin Qigong in simple, structured steps. All the material is delivered digitally to your computer for you to watch and read in the privacy of your home. And now you can even download the videos directly to your iPod, iPad, or any Mp4 enabled machine — and take the lessons with you where ever you go.
Enjoy The Life-Enhancing Benefits Of Shaolin Qigong For Yourself
With My 2 Week -Risk Free- Trial
I want to offer you the opportunity to try out the first 2 weeks of my 22 week Qigong Secrets Home Study Course for just $4.95. In the last 18 months, over 600 people have successfully completed the Qigong Secrets Home Study Course. Here’s a very small selection of what they have to say:
Activate Your Trial Membership Today And You’ll Also Receive…
Activate your 2-week test drive of my Qigong Secrets Home Study Course today and I’ll gift you the mp3 recording a talk I gave recently called: The 7 Secrets Of High Level Qigong and you can access it as soon as you join us.Activate your 2 Week Trial now
Armed with these 7 secrets, you’ll have knowledge that very few practitioners of Qigong will ever have, including:
What is Qigong — A clear explanation of Qi, without which Qigong makes no sense what so ever. What does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have to do with Qigong?
How Does Qigong Work — What exactly does it do, what actually happens when you practice Qigong and an introduction to basic TCM principals.
There is Only 1 Illness — Discover how Qigong overcomes it and prevents it.
How to Take Back Your Healing Power — Why all it takes is just 15 minutes a day, why there is no expensive equipment, supplements or gym fees to pay — ever.
The 3 Core Skills of High Level Qigong — Discover the difference between Qigong form and Qigong, learn why Qigong form is so prevalent today and learn of the skills necessary to practice high level qigong.
The PERFECT Approach To Qigong — The 7 powerful steps to Qigong practice. This tool allows you to get all the benefits of Qigong quicker and easier.
Don’t Believe The Hype! — I’ll tell you who Qigong is not for and share with you the 3 major flaws of Qigong that nobody talks about. Knowing these can save you months of wasted effort.
…and many, many more well guarded secrets for getting the most from Qigong.lern more